Professional day

Friday, November 18, 2022 from 10am to 5pm

Hors les murs – Salle pédagogique de la Maison de la Culture Bourges

Online registration is required via ce formulaire before November 10, 2022

In the interval – situate and be situated

understand the artistic and scientific mediation


A professional day proposed as part of the Multiple World-s 2022 meeting, displays research fields explored by a number of artists, scientists and partners with which Antre Peaux collaborates in its daily life. The association supports, develops and diffuses actually visual arts, bio media, multimedia and living shows, in and beyond the walls, in association with the local, national, European, and international professional and educative networks. Together, the artistic and scientific mediations interrogate on the relationships to develop with the publics, the formats to invent or revisit and the truest possible positionings to enable a real meeting with the contemporary stakes, forms, and approaches.


Historically, the conceptions and practices linked to meditation are different in arts and science and the places that these mediations have occupied in these disciplinary fields are not equivalent. However, the epistemological approach, critical, and philosophical study of sciences, has encompassed for a few decades the study of the creation processes used in artistic steps confronted to methodologies of human and social science, nature science (physics, chemistry and biology) and logico-mathematics sciences (mathematics, logics, and informatics). Between story and the becoming of sciences, history and becoming of arts, the common ground of mediation seems yet to be cleared.


How to particularly broach the mediation that aims to create meetings with works at the crossing of these two disciplinary fields and these two stories? How to articulate knowledge and emotions, the experiences, and sensations to come even closer to these projects situated between arts and sciences? In a time where to think of art or science as hermetic fields to contemporary societal and environmental stakes is foreclosed, the stake of this day is to develop a collective reflection and to produce common resources.

Programme : 


9:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.



10 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Round table #1

Qu’est-ce que la médiation ?  L’activité de médiation en tant qu’activité professionnelle


11 a.m. – 12.30 a.m.

Round table #2

Testimonials and sharing of ongoing or recent projects in France


12.30 a.m. – 2 p.m.



2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Round table #3

Mediation arts sciences practices in Europe: What relations between cultural structures and research labs?



Conclusion and snack break



Projection of the documentary film Umi No Oya / Uto Monogatari by Ewen Chardronnet and Maya Minder (film being made) + Meeting with the artists

This day is available in streaming from the website and will be archived next on

Day organised in partnership with

    • l’ensa Bourges
    • Le Campus des métiers et des qualifications d’excellence Patrimoines, Métiers d’Art et Tourisme (CMQ-e PatMAT), porté par l’Université de Tours
    • Le réseau régional Pépite Centre Val de Loire – Pôle entrepreneuriat Etudiant. PEPITE Centre-Val de Loire rassemble les universités de Tours et d’Orléans ainsi que l’école d’ingénieur-es INSA Centre-Val de Loire.
    • Le Réseau BLA ! – association nationale des professionnel·le·s de la médiation en art contemporain
    • Le réseau national TRAS – Transversale des Réseaux Arts Sciences, composée de structures artistiques, culturelles, universitaires et de recherche
    • Le réseau national Art + Université + Culture, qui représente et défend la culture dans l’enseignement supérieur
    • Le réseau national Hacnum – Réseau national des arts hybrides et cultures numériques
    • Le réseau européen EMAP – European Media Art Platform / capacity building workshop

Le programme plus en détail : 


9:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. Reception


10h – 11h Table-ronde n°1

What is mediation? The activity of mediation as a professional activity

Moderator Florence MarqueyrolHead of the public service and cultural program, La Galerie, contemporary art center, Noisy-le-Sec, member of the collegial council of BLA!


  • BLA ! is the national association of professionals of mediation in contemporary art, created in 2017 in Rennes (35). Its objective is to federate and network the professionals and structures of this sector of activity, to share resources, to participate in their training and in the reflection on the evolution of the professions. Website :
  • Claire Der Hovannessian is co-founder of BIM (Bureau Indépendant de Médiation Culturelle), which specializes in the creation, support and management of cultural mediation projects in Paris (75). "We conceive cultural mediation as a theoretical and practical discipline at the service of human beings. Societal responsibility and unconditional acceptance of otherness are the fundamentals that we place at the heart of our actions and our organization." @bim_mediationculturelle
  • Sylvianne Lathuilière is in charge of cultural action at Mac Lyon and coordinator of Mac sup, a project initiated in 2017 by Mac Lyon, the University of Lyon 1, the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and the École Centrale de Lyon (69). Teacher-researchers, artists and students combine their research and creation processes in a one-semester university course. At the end of the course, they propose experimental workshops to the public of the museum


11 a.m. – 12.30 a.m. Round table #2

Testimonials and sharing of ongoing or recent projects in France

Moderator Marc-Williams Debono is responsible for the Art & Science Pole of the Culture 91 collective and secretary of the network TRAS. Neurobiologist by training and president of an association dedicated to broadening the links between arts, sciences and humanities (Plasticités Sciences Arts - PSA), he is directly involved in several national and European networks and transdisciplinary structures. Website :



  • Lucia Peluffo is a visual artist of Argentinean origin. After studying Industrial Design at the University of Buenos Aires, she became interested in photography, the nature of the image and the questioning of production and reproduction processes. In her work, she develops an artistic language close to a medical language by making her own body interact with the idea of a "photographic" body. Website :
  • Luc Brou is vice-president of HACNUM, a national network of hybrid arts and digital cultures, of which it is one of the founding structures. Its objective is to structure, organize and develop the ecosystems of hybrid arts and digital cultures in France. The network federates more than 200 actors representative of these sectors: art centers, third places, festivals, production offices, theaters, fablabs, media libraries, artists... Website :
  • Arnaud Schapira is President of the association CréaCode Lab, in Ivoy-le-Pré (18). The association intervenes mainly with young people with educational robots during school, extracurricular and after-school time. Each intervention is an opportunity to respond collectively to a chosen problem. "Créa Code is intended for anyone wishing to develop, perfect or deepen their creativity and to be initiated, sensitized, accompanied in the design, motorization or programming of games and objects." Website:
  • Christelle Rivas is in charge of the Coordination of Transversal Actions of Pépite Centre-Val de Loire. The network's mission is to raise awareness and train in the spirit of entrepreneurship, and to support students and young graduates in their efforts to create or take over a business. Site:
  • Marie-Laure Rocher is a visual artist and set designer. After studying plastic arts and theater at Paris VIII, she entered the ESAD Théâtre National de Strasbourg, in scenography. She then turned to scenography, curating artistic or memorial exhibitions, such as the 40 years of innovation for the TJV in Vitry sur Seine. She is part of the cooperative of employment and cultural activity Artéfacts in the Centre Val de Loire region, where she leads the Artéfacts Mediation Pole, and creates in 2011 with 7 people the association é(co)tone (41) Ecopia accompanies individual and collective initiatives, to facilitate the emergence of artistic forms and cultural projects on the territories in Blois (41), Tours (37) and Nantes (44). On the occasion of this day, the network will present its new training-action course in Artistic and Cultural Education. Website:
  • Marina Léonard (remote) is in charge of the Programming Department of the Quai des savoirs in Toulouse (31), a cultural space dedicated to science, technology and contemporary creation since February 2016. The project proposes a prospective look at the subjects of science and society, questions current events and crosses art and science through various projects and collaborations. Site:
  • David Fiala is a teacher-researcher at the Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR) in Tours (37), in charge of the Master in Digital Humanities. This Master's degree trains students in advanced computational techniques and in digital management and mediation. Site: (sous réserve)


12.30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Lunch


2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Round table #3

Practices of arts and sciences mediation in Europe: what relations between cultural structures and research laboratories? capacity building workshop du réseau EMAP

Moderator Pascal Brunet is director of the Relais Culture Europe. This is the Creative Europe Office in France, which aims to strengthen cultural diversity and respond to the needs and challenges of the cultural and creative sectors. Pascal Brunet's work in European and international cultural cooperation is accompanied by a reflection on the construction of cultural identities in today's Europe. He is particularly interested in the Euro-Mediterranean construction and the cultural relations with the countries of the Eastern border of Europe. Website :


  • Sandra Sajovic (of Kersnikova Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia), in dialogue with the artist Alizée Armet (remote).

Kersnikova brings together an exhibition space and three laboratories: Kapelica Gallery, the internationally renowned contemporary investigative art space; the hackerspace Rampa, where the relationship between art, technology and society is reconsidered; the BioTehna laboratory, which focuses on the artistic investigation of living systems; and the Vivarium laboratory, where possible forms of coexistence between animals, fungi, plants and robots are explored. 

As part of the EMAP (2022) program, the French artist Alizée Armet, a researcher with a PhD in Arts and Technology from the University of the Basque Country, is hosted in residence. Her work aims to create a conversation between art and science by demystifying the myth of nature and culture. Her practice incorporates computers, 3D printing objects, digital printing, and certain "living materials" (plants, bacteria, etc.) into installations. Sites: &

  • Peter Zorn of Werkleitz-Centre for Media Art (Halle, Germany) in dialogue with the artists Juliane Jaschnow and Stefanie Schroeder.

An EMAP partner, Werkleitz promotes the production and presentation of art projects related to new media. The Center's work includes three main components: film and media art festivals, monthly art presentations and regular video installations.

As part of the EMAP program (2022), German artists Juliane Jaschnow and Stefanie Schroeder are hosted in residence at Antre Peaux for their project Endlager. Starting from a reflection on nuclear waste, the artists investigate the processes of excavation - from a technological, archaeological, metaphorical and speculative point of view. They are interested in excavation as a motif, its functioning and meaning. Sites: & &

  • Adela Staszowska  (à distance), membre du projet Leonardo Rebooted. Da Vinci Labs aim to reconcile technological innovation and sustainable development by creating physical spaces that allow all stakeholders (citizens, industrialists, researchers) to experiment with technologies capable of responding to the major societal problems of our time (climate change, biodiversity loss, health, cyber security). Leonardo Rebooted is a grant set up in 2021 to support the production of Art & Science projects. Site:
  • Matthew Gardiner is a research associate at Ars Electronica Futurelab (Linz, Austria). An artist best known for his work with origami and robotics, he coined the term "Oribot" in 2003 and has since been working in the art/science research field called Oribotics: a field of research that draws on the aesthetic, biomechanical, and morphological connections between nature, origami, and robotics. The innovator joined Ars Electronica Futurelab in 2010 as an artist in residence supported by the Australia Council for the Arts. Sites: &


4pm Conclusion

Annaëlle Lecry and Sandra Emonet Creation of a resource padlet and a shared report