Programming committee: Julie Crenn | Julien Ribeiro | Boris Lehman | Shoï | Nicolas Moreau | le groupe Hall Noir 2021 piloté par David Legrand
Project leader : Sandra Emonet
Charged with production: Olivia Earle | Marine Rousset
Communication officer Alice Trocellier
Communication and signage: Elisabeth Delval
Community Management : Salomé Hirrien
Mediation manager : Annaëlle Lecry
Mediator: Elodie Cutullic
Graphics: Quentin Aurat
Illustration: Margot Capello
Control room: Anne Soizic-Croslard | Samuel Perez | François Tanfin | Thomas Richoux | Tatjana Komaroff | Aurélien Merlet
All artists
All programmers
to the whole team of Antre Peaux
to the whole of the members of the EMAP network
to the team of the culture service of the city of Bourges
The whole team of the Natural History Museum of Bourges
The whole team of the Maison de la Culture de Bourges
APY EUROPE, supplier of digital solutions for the image professions
to our human and non-human partners